Our employee spotlight shines a light on one employee at a time. We value diversity and inclusion and welcome diverse thinking. It takes a village — through collaboration, living safely and driving innovation we realize our goals and help our clients achieve mission success. Our mantra is people first, mission always. In March, we’ll focus on Women History Month (WHM). Today’s Q&A is with Jessica Ward, Programme Manager, Amentum UK.
How did you come to join Amentum?
I was approached by a colleague, Thomas Morris who I have known for a while now through our shared passion for programme management.
What is your professional and personal background?
My professional background is Programme Management and Risk Management
Describe the work you do and how you think it makes a positive impact.
As a programme manager my role is to help the business to deliver strategic benefits for our customers.
What are some of your accomplishments and/or what has been your proudest career moment?
There are many after 14 years in my career but the ones that stands out for me is achieving my MSc in Project Management and having the opportunity to programme manage some of the UKs most challenging nuclear waste and transformation programmes.
What do you enjoy about working for Amentum?
First,  it’s the people I have the privilege to work side by side with and secondly, it’s the opportunities to expand my knowledge, skills and to add value in everything I do.
What are you passionate about?
People and building solid relationships so that we can work as a team and succeed together no matter what the task.
What’s your career advice?
Lean in and sit at the table, you have a right to be there and have your say.
What does safety mean to you, or do you have a favorite safety tip?
Safety is my number one priority especially when working within the nuclear industry and care about my colleagues, friends, and family.
What’s the best invention in the world and why?
Probably my iPhone and chocolate both tick the boxes for me at home and at work 😊
What does this year’s IWD theme, #BreakTheBias mean to you?
I’m passionate about equality in the workplace and at home. I want to see traditional thinking turned on its head.
Anything else you would like to share from a personal or professional perspective?
Do not allow ‘fear’ and ‘past experiences’ to make life decisions for the future you.