The Athlon Awards program is a multi-tiered and peer-nominated event. Amentum employees were invited to nominate their colleagues and project teams from the business and supporting functions. Judges then evaluated the submissions, selecting individuals and teams from each category who achieved the highest standards of professional excellence and who exemplify our company values.
- Live Safe Award
Winner: Todd Spradley from IS4.
Team Award: IS4’s Mobile Area Target Support System (MATSS) Safety Plan Team – Dale Hopper, Kevin Loewe, Leah Johnson, Paul Gomez, Rini Patricio, and James Watson.
- Act with Integrity Award
Winner: Lewis Dickerson from Aviation.
Team Award: Environment & Energy’s Plateau Cleanup Action Team – Charles Simpson, Linda Maiden, CJ Black, Don Boecker, and Josh Brimberry.
- Value our People Award
Winner: Jesamine Felix from Mission Readiness.
Team Award: Environment & Energy’s UCOR Workforce Development Team – Sonya Johnson, Charlie Malarkey, Mary Alice Douglass, Len Morgan, and Joe Aylor.
- Deliver Success Award
Winner: Matt Finnegan from Aviation.
Team Award: Aviation Command and Control Operations and Maintenance (ACCOM) Program Team – Richard London, Ian Savitch, Robin Spotts, Susan Cornue, and Tammy Smith.
- Drive Innovation Award
Winner: Russell Farmer from IS4 & Patrick Duffy from Mission Readiness.
Team Award: Environment & Energy’s SRR DWPF Recycle Program Team – Carl Scherman, Pen Mayson, Bob Petras, Lawrence Minor, and Steve Shuford.
- Project of the Year
Project Winner: Amentum Operation Allies Welcome.
Team Award: Amentum’s Afghan Tiger Team, Afghan Drawdown Tiger Team, Sentinel II Team, AFCAP V Operation Allies Welcome Team.
All our candidates accomplished amazing work every day, from upholding excellence in our companies’ values, to responding to and supporting the U.S. withdrawal and evacuation in Afghanistan – our teams accomplished exceptional work, even amidst extremely volatile and chaotic times.
Congratulations to our Athlon Award recipients! Your passion for our people and delivery of exceptional performance contributes to our success and further strengthens our reputation as a global industry leader.